Holy Long John Silver, Batman!
Calling all artists, calling alllll artists!
Role call!
So for all of you who saw/came to our robot show in April but were a tad late and were all like...
"ROBOTS ?!?!!"
"WHAT?!?! Im too late to submit something??"
Then here's an update!
So the new collaborative group art show will be starting up and the theme is, you guessed it, everything and anything underwater and sea related!

Sea Turtles, Whales, Sharks, Starfish and Seahorses!
Pirates, Sailing Ships, Buried Tresure, and Lost Islands!
Krakens, Mermaids, Maelstroms, Water Elementals, and Submarines!
We want to see as many people participating this time, but still just one submission per artist.
But that's not to say you can't have multiple images all framed in one peice or a cartoon storyboard style submission with multiple frames and the art can all be done with any medium of your choosing.
During our first foray into group art at the robot show we saw submissions ranging from pencil crayons, pastels, water colors, markers, conceptual art, photo art, knitting, collage, and storyboard art.
So I'm sure anything imaginative that fits the theme will work but I know that if someone wants to come dressed as a porpoise and be a live art peice in the store standing in a kiddie pool I'll be personally tickled pink.
God i can almost picture it now...
"Mommy that dolphin looks stuuuuupid!"
"Gee thanks kid...but I'm a porpoise actually."
"Now comonnnn Billy don't antagonize the poor whale."
"Hehe mommy thinks you're FAT she called you a FAT whale!!"
"I'm a porpoise...and I'm NOT fat...I'm a live art peice."
"Well gosh darn...you surrrre look more like a whale... If mean if youre a Narwal why dont you have a horn?"
"Heheh big fat narrrrrwal Mommy called you a stuuuuupid fat Narrrrrrwal"
"IM A PORPOISE YOU #&%$&*@*"

Ahhh good times...
Well the underwater window is up at the store so I can constantly look to my left and feel like Jacques Couseau but once all the wonderful aquatic themed art is up I'll feel even more crustaceany.
So get out your quills your pads and your french artiste chapeaus. (hats)
"Fetchez la vache..."
"Fetchez la vache!"
Now we will be accepting submissions right up until July 15th but there wont be much leeway for any late submissions because the opening night soiree will be right on the 20th. It will be just like the 1st show's opening but if you didn't attend it's going to be a meet and greet with the chance to have a little bubbly, snack on some cheese, and mingle with all the artists.
Were hoping to see everyone from the 1st show that we know to submit something and more new artists would be fantastic.
It would be great to hit 30 submissions!

Also for those who are diehard Dominion fans it might be worth noting that with the release of the new Cornucopia Expansion the idea to have a tournament has not been abandoned nor forgotten. Merely being postponed until free RPG day had come and gone and once the Settlers Tournament concluded. In the next few weeks there will be details on how the rounds will be played out but the date will be July 9th!
For this coming week keep an eye out for my next column post in which I will hopefully give a quick game review for anyone who hasn't had a chance to see under the box cover yet! Cornucopia is shaping up to look like a very solid expansion.
The settlers tournament also looms on the horizon folks so if you were planning on attending best get signed up fast!
We already have a large number of people coming from Toronto and Ottawa so we are expecting some of our highest #'s to date for a North American Qualifier.
It's going down on the 25th, this Saturday, for those who have missed the date and it's going to be an all day affair with the doors opening at 10am.
Get here nice and promptly as the round 1 games will be quick to commence once the store is open and the rules of the tournament explained.
So with that I leave you with this submission for the Underwater Art show that i found from my buddy Paul the Porpoise!
Hopefully we are all as keen as him and have one wet and wild show!
(I think it looks a bit like a birthday cake...but Paul's art is kinda an abstract. Justine thinks it's definitely a sailing ship.)

I want to hear back from everyone!
Lets start the poll!!
What is paul trying to draw?!? Is he sketching a ship?
Is it a big ball of sand?
Schematics to the next Porpoisian death star???
Put up a reply on what our aquatic buddy is drawing!
This has been the Labyrinth and I'm Henry McCulloch. Game on!